Monday, August 9, 2010

Fight The Future Cassettes Announced!

My buddy Tom over at the always great and wonderful blog The Great Pumpkin has finally announced his cassette label Fight The Future Cassettes! In the slew of cassette based labels and sites that various music blogs have been emerging over the past year, Tom has followed on his desire to do a record label, and now here we are. I am deeply excited about this and have been since I first got wind of it. The first release will be a split tape with the very tape appropriate bands Dream Cop and I Am The Dot. Both are a very cool semi psyche, mildly glo-fi (but in a good way!) one man bands that should complement each other very nicely. They are also bands that The Great Pumpkin had gotten me listening to in the past, so I am happy to see Tom keep supporting them. The tape is expected some time in last September or October. That along with mp3s of the cassette, cover art, and future label news will all be covered in later posts. Tastes of what's to cover are below and you can check out Fight The Future Cassettes more at either their blog or twitter. Once again congrats to Tom for starting this and I am very excited for what's to come next.

(mp3) Dream Cop-Marooned
(mp3) I Am The Dot-Love Songs for Camus

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