Monday, December 24, 2012

Parenthetical Girls-Good Christian Men Rejoice, It's Parenthetical Girls EP

As is their proper, yearly tradition, Parenthetical Girls have released a batch of self-crafted, original Christmas tunes to take the place of the usual traditional, repetitive, and generic tunes that flood the years during this time. Not that the band dives head first into holiday cheer, instead capturing the complexity of emotions (i.e. anguish, stress, melancholy, and occasional happiness) that comes with the season. It's all there on superbly titled Good Christian Men Rejoice, It's Parenthetical Girls, from the off-kilter and forced joy of "Rejoice, Rejoice" to the sad, morning-after waltz of "After the Holidays". Tracks like "Christmas Mourning" and "The Salvation Army Bell" bring forth concepts and thoughts that are so rarely talked about during the season (death and lust respectively), yet are still omnipresent there as well. The twelve-minute long, narrative prose "The Christmas Steps" is a surreal and haunting piece that more than anything captures the magnitude of emotions attached to this time of year. Parenthetical Girls may not be spreading pure, holiday cheer, but Good Christian Men Rejoice, It's Parenthetical Girls still captures Christmas time, if a bit more three dimensionally than others.


Parenthetical Girls' Website
Buy the Good Christian Men Rejoice, It's Parenthetical Girls EP here, from the band themselves

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